National Cancer Institute
National Cancer Institute u.s. Department of health anD human services national institutes Managing Radiation Therapy Side Effects What to do when you have loose stools (diarrhea) “Diarrhea kept me from going out and doing things. My nurse told me how important it was to drink more liquids. ... Get Document
Chronic Diarrhea In Diabetes Mellitus: Mechanisms And An ...
Chronic diarrhea in patients with diabetes, provide examples of clinical cases, retrospectively review the causes in all watery, explosive diarrhea developed, which was worse postprandially. A physical examination revealed postural hypotension, ... Fetch Doc
Karen L. Herbst MD, PhD University Of Washington
History of Irritable Bowel Syndrome • Diarrhea dates back many months or years • No weight loss, anemia, hypoalbuminemia • Several watery (at times explosive) bowel ... Document Viewer
Mucus In Stool - What It Means And What To Do
Mucus in the stool may indicate that there is inflammation or irritation of the intestinal wall. Mucus in the stool can occur with either constipation or diarrhea. ... Read Article
Diarrhea In Shih Tzu - Chinai
Diarrhea also can cause electrolytes to become unbalanced and this can be dangerous, particularly in young or old pets. Diarrhea can cause dehydration, which can be serious, too. Whatever the reason, if you can’t get the problem under control with in 24 hours call a vet. ... Get Content Here
Outline Infectious Diarrhea - Pharmacy E-Learning
Infectious Diarrhea Gigi H. Ross, PharmD Clinical Assistant Professor U of MN, Type Epidemiology Diarrhea EPEC Acute/chronic in infants Watery ETEC Infants in developing Watery countries; sudden onset of explosive watery stools, abdominal cramps, nausea, bloating, ... View Full Source
Bariatric Surgery: Postoperative Concerns
Bariatric Surgery: Postoperative Concerns nausea, diarrhea, cramping, and active audible bowels sounds. 2. Late dumping which occurs 1-3 hours after eating. Symptoms are related to reactive or chronic and more problematic. ... Access Doc
Chapter 11 Diarrhea - Home - Springer
106 11 Diarrhea IV Herbal Treatment In the treatment of diarrhea, first determine whether it is acute or chronic. The treatment of acute diarrhea is based on the elimination of Dampness. ... Fetch Here
Explosive Diarrhea - Erectile Disfunction - YouTube
Grupo: Explosive Diarrhea cancion: Erectile Disfunction. ... View Video
Diarrhea Stomach Pain Treatment During Drug Withdrawal
Diarrhea, and diarrhea stomach pain, can be withdrawal symptoms among people who have been addicted to some drug(s) -- particularly opiates -- or even after a period of intense substance use. ... Read Article
Brainerd diarrhea - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Brainerd diarrhea is a sudden-onset watery, explosive diarrhea that lasts for months and does not respond to antibiotics; the cause of Brainerd diarrhea is unknown. ... Read Article
Celled organisms), can cause a sudden explosive Chronic diarrhea is defined as watery stools over a period longer than 2 weeks. Weight loss, fever, nausea, vomiting, tenderness in the anal region, and anxiety or depression may accompany chronic diarrhea. ... Return Document
National Cancer Institute
National Cancer Institute U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health Managing Chemotherapy Side Effects Diarrhea What is diarrhea? ... Retrieve Content
Chapter 1. Watery Diarrhea Differential Diagnosis: Outbreaks ...
Chapter 1. Watery Diarrhea Differential Diagnosis: Outbreaks of Acute Watery Diarrhea I. Introduction Acute watery diarrhea can be caused by many different infections and may also occur ... Return Document
Diarrhea -
Diarrhea. Definition : increase in the frequency & looseness of stools. Chronic. Classification : A. Classification by origin Acute. Diet induced Drug-induced. Infection. Virus. Bacteria. *explosive ,foul-smelling ,large-volume ,watery stools. N.B. ... Fetch Content
Diarrhea - TriageLogicTriageLogic
DIARRHEA DYSENTERY EXPLOSIVE STOOLS FOOD POISONING FOREIGN TRAVEL FREQUENT STOOLS GASTROENTERITIS LOOSE STOOLS MUCUS IN STOOLS NORWALK Diarrhea is a chronic symptom (recurrent or ongoing AND lasting > 4 weeks) CA: 46, 3, 4, 7, 18, 8, 1 ... Fetch Full Source
Diarrhea - Walter Reed Institute Of Rsrch
•Chronic diarrhea: ≥ 30 days in duration. UNCLASSIFIED Slide 4 Normal GI Physiology and Regulation Impact factors. Definitions • Traveler’s diarrhea: Diarrhea developing while traveling and within 10 days of returning home. ... Visit Document
Anxiety Disorders Are Chronic Intermittent Disorders
Anxiety Disorders Are Chronic Intermittent Disorders • They come back in times of physical or emotional arousal or stress. • diarrhea / urinary incontinence • go blind • start screaming • lose control • go crazy. 226: Essex, 3/4, 1:00pm ... Read Document
Diarrhea (Xìe Xìe) -
Other Diagnostic Tips for Diarrhea Symptom Diagnostic Significance Acute Diarrhea with a short course Exuberance of Dampness Chronic diarrhea w/ long course & often induced by eating or ... Doc Viewer
Pediatric Gastroenterology University Of Florida
Pediatric Gastroenterology University of Florida. Toddler’s diarrhea • Chronic nonspecific diarrhea of childhood • Symptoms – Explosive loose stools – Contain food particles – Frequent stools, decline as day goes on • Management ... Content Retrieval
Amoebic Dysentery - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Amoebic dysentery (or amebic dysentery) is a type of bloody diarrhea caused primarily by the amoeba Entamoeba histolytica. [1] Amoebic dysentery is transmitted through contaminated food and water. ... Read Article
DIARRHEA IN COWS(2) - Northern Lakes Vet Supply
DIARRHEA IN COWS TREATMENT PROTOCOLS and developing a plan for prevention or, at least, control, is most important. Johne’s disease is a disease of chronic diarrhea, weight loss, and poor production. It is acquired Diarrhea tends to be explosive and frequently contains blood and mucus. ... Retrieve Document
Diarrhea -
It is a major reason why the cause of chronic diarrhea should always be known. For explosive or persistent diarrhea, treatment will obviously depend on the cause. Fortunately, the cause of diarrhea can almost always be found and effective treatment is then usually available. ... View Full Source
Diarrhea -
Diseases—There are certain intestinal di sorders that can cause chronic diarrhea. These include ulcerative and microscopic co litis, Crohn’s disease, diverticulosis, ... Content Retrieval
Diarrhea can be managed at home, and it will settle in a couple of days. Drink a lot of liquids, and follow the BRAT diet to help ease side effects. Take care to guarantee babies and kids remain hydrated. Electrolyte arrangements, for example, Pedialyte, can be useful.
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